Sandra Day O'Connor Public Letter
Public Letter
October 23, 2018
Friends and fellow Americans,
I want to share some personal news with you. Some time ago, doctors diagnosed me with the beginning stages of dementia, probably Alzheimer's disease. As this condition has progressed, I am no longer able to participate in public life. Since many people have asked about my current status and activities, I want to be open about these changes, and while I am still able, share some personal thoughts...
O'Connor Institute Statement
With the release of the public letter from Sandra Day O'Connor announcing her stepping back from public life, the Sandra Day O'Connor Institute expresses profound gratitude for her leadership and inspiration.  The O'Connor Institute is deeply committed to the lifetime work of the Justice to advance civic engagement, civil discourse and civics education.   Founded by Justice O'Connor in 2009, the Institute works to build consensus, form collaborations and help craft solutions to vital public issues in an environment of mutual respect and shared purpose for a better nation.
Sarah E. Suggs
President and CEO